Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Sometimes one of the most difficult things in life is trusting and continuing on when you have no idea what is going to happen or see any way that it could all happen. As I journey in obedience to Christ I am constantly amazed at how Christ takes care of the little things in life that seem like insurmountable mountains in the moment only to be small little bumps in hindsight. When Jesus says to not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself, I don't believe so much that He meant tomorrow will take care of itself but that He will take care of it. We don't have to stress out about how the bills will be payed or how to fit 48hrs worth of work into 24 hours. God can literally stop time, though He usually just helps us get things accomplished in record time! Money is His and He can stretch it in ways that are impossible on paper. He can move mountains!

As I look at all the things that need to be done and how much everything costs and wondering how it will all be taken care of I am reminded that the most frequent phrase by the Lord is "Do not be afraid", He really means it. He says He is with us and that is why we need not fear. He is faithful and He is all-powerful. So as I see the dollar amount that needs to be raised and as I see the time-line and how crazy busy it is, I stop and rest in Christ. Whenever I look ahead and see "Himalayas" of obstacles in my path I read my Bible and see the stories of men and women of faith who have gone before me and have watched as those Himalayas were crossed or laid flat. It is so true, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. He can do all things through me and for me and for you.

I am so thankful for this opportunity to dig deep into my faith and watch as my wonderful Savior provides and shows His strength in the most unsuspected ways. He is doing the same thing in your life. I hope you are able to see Him in the little things as well as the big!
P.S. In order to make it more enjoyable to read. I will be trying to post regularly on Thursdays. Thanks for being a part of this journey!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


This past week the idea of servanthood specifically in the form of feet washing, has been brought up multiple times. I usually figure that if something is repeated in a bunch of different settings in a short time, I should be paying attention! Just a thought...

Jesus was and is God but it talks about in Philipians that He didn't consider equality with God something to be grasped. So often I want what I deserve, or what as an American, I think is my right. But I am reminded that first I must be a servant and empty myself just and Christ did for us. When Jesus talks to His disciples He tells them to follow His example, that He came to serve and that no servant is greater than his master. Too often I am caught up in how 'great' I am or the praise I think I deserve, when in reality, all the praise and all the greatness should be directed back to my Savior.

My prayer is that I will be a servant who follows in the heart of my Master, my wonderful, kind and loving Father. Jesus does the will of the Father and has asked me to do it too. My serving Father doesn't make me great, it proclaims His greatness. And if all I ever do in going to Guinea and serving the Maninka is show just how awesome and wonderful my Father is then I have accomplished all that I can.

It is because of His wonderful love and greatness, through the Holy Spirit, that people are transformed. I am in the ministry of living for Jesus; Jesus is in the ministry of transforming lives! What an awesome thing to be a part of!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Missions Training

Well my time in Denver is almost at the end, just part of Friday left. It has been a wonderful time, getting to know other mid-term missionaries as well as all of the fantastic staff at WorldVenture. There is a lot of information to retain and act upon. But it is also encouraging to know that Jesus is enough and that He is helping me get through this crazy time in my life! Please keep praying for me as I start sharing with everyone what God is doing in Guinea and in me and as I discover who it is that God would have partner with Him in the work He is doing in Guinea. He is faithful

Also please note the links that are now on my blog, thanks to the wonderful support of the WorldVenture staff!