Thursday, March 12, 2009


This past week the idea of servanthood specifically in the form of feet washing, has been brought up multiple times. I usually figure that if something is repeated in a bunch of different settings in a short time, I should be paying attention! Just a thought...

Jesus was and is God but it talks about in Philipians that He didn't consider equality with God something to be grasped. So often I want what I deserve, or what as an American, I think is my right. But I am reminded that first I must be a servant and empty myself just and Christ did for us. When Jesus talks to His disciples He tells them to follow His example, that He came to serve and that no servant is greater than his master. Too often I am caught up in how 'great' I am or the praise I think I deserve, when in reality, all the praise and all the greatness should be directed back to my Savior.

My prayer is that I will be a servant who follows in the heart of my Master, my wonderful, kind and loving Father. Jesus does the will of the Father and has asked me to do it too. My serving Father doesn't make me great, it proclaims His greatness. And if all I ever do in going to Guinea and serving the Maninka is show just how awesome and wonderful my Father is then I have accomplished all that I can.

It is because of His wonderful love and greatness, through the Holy Spirit, that people are transformed. I am in the ministry of living for Jesus; Jesus is in the ministry of transforming lives! What an awesome thing to be a part of!

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