Thursday, March 5, 2009

Missions Training

Well my time in Denver is almost at the end, just part of Friday left. It has been a wonderful time, getting to know other mid-term missionaries as well as all of the fantastic staff at WorldVenture. There is a lot of information to retain and act upon. But it is also encouraging to know that Jesus is enough and that He is helping me get through this crazy time in my life! Please keep praying for me as I start sharing with everyone what God is doing in Guinea and in me and as I discover who it is that God would have partner with Him in the work He is doing in Guinea. He is faithful

Also please note the links that are now on my blog, thanks to the wonderful support of the WorldVenture staff!


kat and luke said...

i'm excited to hear more about your training when you get back. it sounds like God's showing you some pretty sweet stuff sister!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, I'm trying for the third time to add some sort of wise(crack) antidote to your blog, we'll see if it will accept me this time. I am excited for you and know that this is going to be such an exiting, exhausting, exhilerating, exasperating,I don't know excellent experience for you. WOW! (How does she do that?)Love you much, MOM