Friday, November 6, 2009

In Paris

Well I am here in France safe and sound and have started settaling in and learning how to get around! I lost some lugagge, got it back, saw Notre Dame from a distance (was really excited!) Signed up for French classes. They start Monday. They are five days a week five hours a day! I got a cell phone, that will help when I get lost! I am really excited about how God is going to use me here and what He is going to teach me. I have been meeting new people. I went to a French college Bible study last night that was really good. I had a lot of fun, of course being able to talk to them in French would be even better! Please be praying from my brain to soak it all up and spit it back out via my mouth! And also for adjusting to the differances in culture and just a new place in general.
In Christ,


Kathy said...

Praying for you! I remember you doing quite well with Spanish, so I hope French won't be too much of a challenge. But 5 hours a day, 5 says a week - WOW! Praying for God to use you where you are.

lani said...

hi bethany! you probably don't remember me - i was at endeavor the week you were there and asked for your blog address. it's really neat to hear about your journey - i'm looking forward to following your story! :)